Friday, May 31, 2013

Scafell Pike

Since there has been so much time since my last post I am just going to let the photos do the talking.
This was when we climbed Scafell Pike, at this point we were still staying in Lake District Backpackers in Windemere. I have put some descriptions to help as well! xx

Navigating through the mountains trying to find our starting point to climb Scafell Pike

Matt climbing high to try and figure out if we're close
More driving

Before we started the climb

Crossing the stream

Such a tourist

On our way up - our 'walk guides' ended up not being much use so we winged it up hoping we would reach Scafell Pike eventually!

Matt in awe 
Getting a bit higher as the clouds start to descend

Up, up, up
Matt keeping an eye on the ram next to him


We couldn't believe there was snow up there - the whole way up we were wondering if what we could see was snow. Then the track led us up right past it and it was!

Just hiking in some snow :P

The peak! So cloudy!

The pike

Me on the pike. It was so cold and windy - i had a singlet, a tshirt, a jumper and a rain jacket on and I was still cold!

Pondering getting down probably. Notice some of the higher calibre photos - they are the ones I have stolen from Matt hehe

Us at the peak. 978 metres high

On our way back down

Nearing the bottom again

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