Sunday, May 5, 2013

Jetlag, Coffee and Squirrels

London has been good so far! Just sitting in our hostel at the moment (Clink78) and watching How I Met Your Mother in the old courthouse style tv room.

Our flight from Perth to London was pretty painless - we ended up having two breakfasts, one lunch and one dinner over the two flights ...AND I had the best chocolate chip cookie of my life in Doha Airport on our stopover. We caught the underground from the airport to Kings Cross St Pancras and our hostel is just a 10 minute walk from there. We were so wrecked the night we got here, we went straight to sleep! The underground is so easy! The people are really nice here which is lucky because in a room of 17 people we are really in each others pockets.

We went through Hyde Park yesterday and saw squirrels and all sorts - I got so excited. Pretty much have just been wandering around London with no map, getting lost, lying in the sun in Regent Park, restraining myself from spending on Oxford Street and taking it all in :)

The only downfall was yesterday when Matt started feeling really sick -dehydration and a HUGE coffee from Costas was to blame we think. He woke up feeling mostly better and is on the mend now! So we are going to have Thai tonight and have our first vino to celebrate!


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