Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Milton Keynes

So Saturday 11th May we headed out to Milton Keynes by train. Our first impressions were great! All the pedestrian pathways go under the main roads so there's no crossing busy roads and it was so simple to find our hotel... Another last minute booking. We ended up staying in Ramada Encore Hotel which was modern and in a great location for only £52. You get free fruit and mints and we even managed to logon to a free wifi. We were staying in Milton Keynes basically to get easy access to visit Matts cousin, Neil, Neil's two kids and Matt's Aunty & Uncle. But it turned out to be quite a mission to figure out how to get there! We dumped our bags and headed straight back to the train/bus staion. We found a bus that we could catch, but then decided we could find a better way there, so walked in circles for a while, had a maccas break, and then ended up at the same bus stop an hour later, so then a further 15 minute wait, a train and £26 pound later we finally made it to Flitwick.

Matt's cousin Neil and his Uncle Derrick met us at the station and took us to the pub for a drink. I tried to be cool an ordered a pale ale... But half an hour later I still couldn't finish it and Matt had to drink the rest for me. Back to the wine for me.

We then went to their house and met Matts' Aunty Lynn & Neil's two little boys and played with them for a little while and had a cup of tea. Then to our relief Matt's Aunty offered to drive us home, it really highlighted how easy things are when you have a car and we became desperate to find one.

Once we were back at the hotel we went out to find somewhere to eat and get a drink or two. Luckily the location of our hotel was right in the middle of a hub of restaurants and bars so we found a cool Mexican place that did tapas and two for one drinks. Seems like a lot of people used it as a pre drinking place. We had delicious honey peri peri chicken wings and I accidentally ordered a cocktail with tequila instead of a mohito- then got two for one! Yuk :P We then went back to the bar in our hotel that looks over the main square and had another drink while we people watched.

The next day we decided we would spend another night in Milton Keynes because we hadn't seen everything we wanted to yet. So we booked another night there and set out again for the main entertainment hub.

We ate breakfast and then played mini golf. Which was interesting because the wind was just throwing the ball around. Matt won - just :P lol

We went for a walk around the hub and found some markets set up outside...

There is also an indoor ski slope and indoor skydiving. We spent ages just watching people stack in on their snowboards and laughing at the people sky diving. Would of been awesome to try but we decided to hold out for Switzerland! Since the weather was so shocking we decided to go watch 'Olympus Has Fallen' at the movies and eat popcorn and drink diet coke. Was exactly what we felt like!

Indoor Skydiving
Then just had sausage and mash and pizza for dinner at the hotel and watched a movie - I had a sore throat and was really tired so we had an early one. Then up bright and early to get back to Watford!

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