Sunday, August 25, 2013

Route 66 and Texas

We stayed at Amarillo last night. Prices of hotels are much, much better here. We managed to get the Holiday Inn for around $88. We had done a long drive so were relieved to have made it! Our days in the car involve a constant battle between the air con and the sun through the hardly-tinted windows so it's always a relief to get into the hotel. We continued along  Route 66 and also the pre 1937 Route 66 which was really cool to see - these days they don't get as much traffic due to major highways that have taken their place but we wanted to see them anyway. We could not believe how many dead towns there are - so many restaurants/hotels/petrol stations that are either closed down or look like they're about to be. 

Just before we reached Amarillo we stopped off at Cadillac Ranch. Over the years the cars were graffitied and all the parts stolen so now they are just shells. Amazing to see though - there's no signs for it or anything so we just had to keep an eye out. 

Just drove through Austin, Texas. The downtown area was nice, we hadn't eaten since our Venti Cappucino's this morning from Starbucks so we stopped at a little takeaway place called Freso's. We sat in our car out the front and absolutely devoured our pepper wood-grilled chicken and salsa tortillas - the staff were probably wondering if we hadn't eaten in a week. 

We will be in San Antonio by tonight and are staying there for two nights. Tomorrow we are going to Six Flags which is an amusement park with crazy rides. We are both excited for a day out of the car :) 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Desert Driving...

Dinner at a classic outdoor steakhouse in Bluff, Utah, driving on Route 66 and through Monument Valley, watching lightning in the Grand Canyon, huge hours in our little rental on open desert's been an awesome few days :)

Bluff, Utah

Our hotel 

The car! 

In the spirit of outback America, Matt put on his flano and had a 12 oz steak.. then helped me with my chicken and ribs :)

Grand Canyon - there was lightning and rain while we were there which actually added to the view

Watching a movie now in our hotel in Albuquerque and gearing up for our stretch to Amarillo, Texas... 4 hours. 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Start of our USA road trip!!!

Setting out from LA - where we just happened to be staying in 'Thai Town'. Delicious. 

Stop off in Santa Cruz...

Driving in to the fog of Pacifica -they even have a festival called fogfest! 

Off to San Francisco first thing

Through Yosemite National Park - amazing (but scary) drives along the cliffs.

We are now in Bridgeport, a town which we randomly stumbled on and will spend the night here before taking off in Reno's direction! Xxx